May Day 2019

On May Day last Monday, we joined a gathering in Liverpool of people who all believed that a better world is possible, and are all prepared to work to make it happen.

They included members of the Labour Party and supporters of Jeremy Corbyn, including Shadow Front-bencher Dan Carden, MP for Walton; Trade Unionists including Jeremy Corbyn ally Len McCluskey, leader of Unite, everyone should share the dignity of employment and all deserve a fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work, and to share in the fruits of their labour by hand or by brain; there were CND campaigners for peace and opposition to nuclear weapons, no-one applauded the recent service in Westminster Abbey to offer thanks to God for Britain’s murderous nuclear weapons of indiscriminate mass destruction; there were campaigners for the human rights of the enslaved and oppressed Palestinian people; Jewish Voice for Labour members were there who supported Jeremy Corbyn, some had been investigated by the Labour Party on suspicion of hostility to Jews – yes – you couldn’t make it up – truth is stranger than fiction!!

Those campaigning to protect the planet were there, Extinction Rebellion and Frack Free Lancashire were represented, and our animal friends were championed by Labour Animal Welfare Society.

© John Usher