Working for Peace in the Middle East

13:00, 20th February

Join CND and guest speakers on February 20th to discuss the current situation in the Middle East and how we can best campaign for peace in the region. Will the Middle East ever be nuclear-free? And what is the UK’s role in the region? The event couldn’t come at a more vital time, as the violence in Palestine escalates.

As talks continue to restore the Iran nuclear deal, it seems clear that some progress is being made. But resumption of the deal will not solve the most serious nuclear problem in the Middle East – namely Israel’s nuclear arsenal. Israel’s arsenal is outside of any international monitoring, yet no sanctions are placed on it or punitive action taken as a result. Successive nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conferences have called for a nuclear weapons-free Middle East, and the international community must now take steps to ensure the negotiations to this end are a success. There can be no peace in the Middle East while those weapons of mass destruction remain.

CND will be addressing these issues in depth in its forthcoming online conference: Working for Peace in the Middle East, on Sunday 20th February.

Join CND’s Conference on the Middle East

As diplomats meet in Vienna to discuss reviving the crucial Iran nuclear deal, the weekend’s Israeli cyber attack on an Iranian nuclear facility is an extremely concerning development.

A weapons of mass destruction-free zone in the Middle East is an idea whose time has come and would be a huge step towards a just, peaceful and stable future for the region.

And yet with the continued Israeli possession of a nuclear arsenal, the U.S. withdrawal under Donald Trump from the Iran nuclear deal and even the declaration of Mohammad bin Salman that Saudi Arabia could look to gain nuclear weapons under some future circumstances, it seems further away than ever.

This why National CND will be holding its ‘Working for Peace in the Middle East’ conference via Zoom on the afternoon of Saturday 22nd May.

We are especially delighted to be joined by Israeli and Iranian colleagues from the peace movement, as well as Andrew Feinstein, an expert on the global arms trade, Jill Evans, a former MEP and an expert on Palestine, Stop the War Coalition’s Lindsey German and CND’s Kate Hudson and Sara Medi-Jones.